The Sacrament of Baptism is the first sacrament to be received. It is the Sacrament that washes away original sin and makes us children of God and members of His church. Through the waters of Baptism, we die to our sinfulness and are reborn into the life of Christ. We are anointed with Chrism oils to become Christ-like; we put on the white garment of purity and accept the light of Christ in the Baptism candle. Through this Sacrament, we receive an indelible mark on our soul that can never be removed. The Holy Cross AFC Parishes prepare together for Sacrament of Baptism.
Please return Baptism Registration Forms to:
or mail to 605 N. State St. / New Ulm, MN 56073
Contact: Darlene Filzen
(507) 233-0628
Thank you!
Please complete the registration form above and email it to Darlene Filzen at [email protected]. Once received, Darlene will refer you to a priest to prepare for your child’s baptism.
There are 3 requirements for the baptism of your child:
(all of the fillable pdf forms are below in the red section)
1. To be a member of one of the HCAFC parishes.
2. The Baptism registration form filled out.
3. To meet with a priest that will perform the baptism.
If it has been less than 3 years since the birth of your last child:
There are 2 requirements for the baptism of your child:
(both of the pdf forms are below in the red section)
1. To be a member of one of the HCAFC parishes.
2. The Baptism registration form filled out.
All completed registration forms can be emailed to Darlene Filzen; at [email protected] or
call (507) 233-0628.
What times are available for Baptism?
Other times may be scheduled at any of the parishes if a Priest or the Deacon is available.
The Catholic Church asks parents to select Godparents for their child. They are present to represent the entire Catholic Faith Community. They express their readiness to assist the parents in their duty as Christian mothers and fathers. Godparents need to be practicing members of a Catholic Parish (weekend Mass attendance assumed), in good standing with the church, and leading lives in harmony with the faith and the role to be undertaken as godparents. In addition, if married, have a marriage recognized and blessed by the church.
Only one godparent is necessary and the person must be a confirmed, practicing Catholic, 16 years or older. If a second godparent is desired, they should be of the opposite gender and a confirmed, practicing Catholic, 16 years or older. A Baptized Christian from another faith may serve as the second godparent as a Christian witness, and needs to be a confirmed, practicing member of their Christian faith, 16 years or older.