HCAFC Missionary Discipleship Team
As a response to the results of the Discipleship Maker Index Survey all parishioners were invited to take in 2020, we created a plan to regularly form Discipleship Teams to encourage parishioners in our AFC to be the hands and feet of Christ! A few teams of parishioners have been meeting to pray together, learn together, and be formed as disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ! We are working together to share new ideas and ways of leading our Holy Cross Area Faith Community in being a welcoming place for all people to grow in their knowledge and personal relationship with Jesus Christ!
We will have updated information here about upcoming Discipleship Teams. If you have an interest in participating, please email Amber at [email protected] to learn more.
All baptized Christians are called to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.
We are called to GO OUT to all the world proclaiming that Jesus is the Savior,
the Son of God, in whom our salvation comes from!
Many ask, "How can I actually do that in my life?" It can look different for all of us! Sometimes it looks like:
The Lord ALWAYS leads when we offer to be His disciple!
He shows us the way to love more, to learn more, to share more!
Within our HOLY CROSS AFC we have many opportunities for you to practice being a Disciple of Jesus!
Check out the Volunteer Time and Talent Page to discern how God might be calling you!